Miagi: "A Bubble is a nice Friend to have"
The music video, "A Bubble is a nice Friend to have", is a collaboration between the mdw – University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna and MIAGI "Music is a great Investment", South Africa.
David Panzl (Multi Percussionist and Artist in Residence of MIAGI) took the original composition by Tshepo Tsotetsi, orchestrated, arranged and added new parts to it. Together with 11 of MIAGI’s most representative, aspiring young musicians this music video was shot in the famous Soweto district, Johannesburg South Africa.
Upon David Panzl’s return to Austria 25 members of the mdw percussion ensemble recorded and filmed their contribution for this artistic project at the newly built “Future Art Lab in Vienna”.
This two Videos were then digitally edited and combined at mdw film studios, a process fully in the spirit of times where musicians were unable to perform together due to the impossibility of travelling and live rehearsing during the pandemic years.
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